Case Story:
Prototyping Patient Education Product for New Healthcare Startup
Concept, research, prototype, and consumer test medical information animations for a novel patient education product.
Untold mined for insights from boots-on-the-ground interviews with ED patients, crafted creative briefs, and sprinted the startup’s product prototype by curating top illustrators, animators, and medical storytellers.
Founders positioned to raise grant and investor funds thanks to an evidence-based product prototype built on consumer and market insights.

The Results of the Partnership
- Built out product prototype based on market analysis research as well as interview intercepts with patients and clinicians
- Hosted an innovation sprint with patients, clinicians, and top illustrators, animators, and medical storytellers to define the product story and prototype three beta product proofs of concept alongside real-time feedback from patients and professionals
- Facilitated sprint approach to develop beta prototype and get user feedback to then inform the gold product prototype
- Wrote SBIR grants in support of project impact on public health and business scalability
- Provided a market analysis, developed storyboards, and wrote scripts for the final gold prototype in support of investment rounds and NIH grant applications
- Researched best practices in patient-provider communication and patient-centered design for education and learning
Patient & Family Interviews
Product Prototypes Developed
Gold Product Designed