Check out some of our expert writers’ latest science, technical, medical, and social impact publications in peer-reviewed journals, grey literature, books, and more!
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Water Soluble Bismuth Based Curatives with Remarkable Activity and Shelf Life
Presentation at the 2016 Polyurethanes Technical Conference features The Shepherd Chemical Company’s bismuth catalysts, BiCat 8840 and BiCat 8842.

VA Experience in Implementing Patient-Centered Medical Home Using a Breakthrough Series Collaborative
Published in Journal of General Internal Medicine: A Patient-Centered Medical Home Model was implemented to transform the VHA primary care delivery process.

A Predictive Model of Occupational and Lifestyle Risk Factors and Pain Management Strategies for Participants in a Wellness Program Diagnosed with Chronic Low Back Pain
Featured in Journal of Ergonomics: The objective of this paper is to understand occupational and lifestyle risk factors associated with Chronic Low Back Pain with a focus on prevention of related incidences in the workplace.

Developing Accounts of Instructor Learning: Recognizing the Impacts of Service-Learning Pedagogies on Writing Teachers
Published in Composition Studies: Findings from a case study of three instructors as they newly implemented service-learning pedagogies into their first year writing classes.

Deploying an Enterprise-Wide Quality Strategy within VHA: Challenges and Successes
Featured in Proceedings of the 2015 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference: This paper overviews the initial development and evolution of the VHA enterprise-wide quality strategy.

Prevalence, Predictors, and Treatment of Impostor Syndrome: a Systematic Review
Featured in Journal of General Internal Medicine: Clinicians and employers should be mindful of the prevalence of impostor syndrome among professional populations.

Rereading Appalachia: Literacy, Place, and Cultural Resistance
Appalachia faces overwhelming challenges that plague many rural areas across the country, including poorly funded schools, stagnant economic development, corrupt political systems, poverty, and drug abuse. Its citizens, in turn, have often been the target of unkind characterizations depicting them as illiterate or backward. Despite entrenched social and economic disadvantages, the region is also known for its strong sense of culture, language, and community.

Appalachia Revisited: New Perspectives on Place, Tradition, and Progress
Known for its beauty and valuable natural resources, Appalachia has undergone significant technological, economic, political, and environmental changes in recent decades.

Attuned Advocacy: Rhetorics of Engagement in Urban Appalachia
Findings trace an increase in inclusivity and diversity in Appalachian advocacy from the 1960s to the 2010s; the empowering relationship between an organization’s public rhetorics and its individual community members’ attitudes toward their cultural identities; and the role arts movements play in building community and challenging cultural stereotypes.

VA’s Lean Healthcare Transformation: Innovating the Veteran Patient Experience
This book provides insight into the initial deployment of a Lean Management System across VA, the nation’s largest healthcare system.

Workaholics Anonymous and Combatting Workaholism
Featured in Value Walk: Dr. Nelson says that improvements to culture are just as important as access to mental health services.

Why Chiropractic Services Could Be the Next Best Thing in Wellness
Featured in Employee Benefit News: The next popular wellness perk could be offering chiropractic services at on-site medical centers.

Catering to the Needs of Workers in Big Tech
Featured in American Phycological Association: Providers at Crossover Health say their integrated approach takes care to a new level.

Untold Content Supports Physical Therapy Thought Leaders in Workplace Wellness Perspective Piece
Featured in Employee Benefit News:
Workplaces and workflows need to be reimagined to reduce and interrupt sedentary time while increasing active movement.

Innovating Low Back Pain Management in the Workplace
Featured in Corporate Wellness Magazine: Integrated care models are better able to address all the aspects of a person’s pain experience and help them avoid unnecessary treatment approaches.

Innovators Must Be Powerful Storytellers
Featured in Research-Technology Management: Innovators need practical strategies to communicate discoveries, failures, progress, and opportunities effectively.

Innovating an End to Veteran Homelessness
Veterans, both male and female, have historically been overrepresented in the U.S. homeless population. This book provides insight into the initial deployment of a Lean Management System across VA, the nation’s largest healthcare system.

Untold Content Featured in Cincy Chic
Untold’s content strategy sessions with BidView led us to the idea that government procurement often feels like a dense wilderness to small business owners–especially those hoping to get started for the first time.

Katie Trauth Taylor: A Story of Untold Power
Former college professor and current CEO of Untold Content, Katie Taylor, joined us for an interview in the sun-soaked back patio of Iris Book Café. Sitting amongst overgrown ivy and midday coffee drinkers, Katie spoke about empowerment through storytelling, balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship, and knowledge sharing as an act of love.

Integrated Physical Medicine at Employer-Sponsored Health Clinics Improves Quality of Care at Reduced Cost
Published in Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine: The benefits of integrating physical medicine services into employer-sponsored clinics.

ArtWorks “Big Pitch” finalists: CGCERAMICS and Untold Content LLC
Untold Content is one of seven finalists in the fourth annual ArtWorks “Big Pitch” presented by U.S. Bank, where they will compete for a $15,000 Judge’s Choice Award and a $5,000 Audience Choice Award during a live five-minute pitch on Sept. 28 at Memorial Hall.

Top Tips from Professionals for Your Most Productive Year Ever
I see productivity as a measure of strategic vision. The more clearly my team sees our goals and long-term strategy, the more productive we can be.

Best College Drop-Out Story: Untold Content
In the name of public intellectualism, Trauth Taylor launched Untold Content, a writing consultancy firm that offers expert research and technical and marketing content writing services to innovators across all fields.

Apply Integrated Care To Our Opioid Crisis
Published in Managed Care: Integrated care models can foster the kind of collaboration that’s needed to treat complex, multifaceted problems like chronic pain.

Developing Accounts of Instructor Learning: Recognizing the Impacts of Service-Learning Pedagogies on Writing Teachers
Published in Composition Studies: Findings from a case study of three instructors as they newly implemented service-learning pedagogies into their first year writing classes.

Deploying an Enterprise-Wide Quality Strategy within VHA: Challenges and Successes
Featured in Proceedings of the 2015 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference: This paper overviews the initial development and evolution of the VHA enterprise-wide quality strategy.

Prevalence, Predictors, and Treatment of Impostor Syndrome: a Systematic Review
Featured in Journal of General Internal Medicine: Clinicians and employers should be mindful of the prevalence of impostor syndrome among professional populations.

Rereading Appalachia: Literacy, Place, and Cultural Resistance
Appalachia faces overwhelming challenges that plague many rural areas across the country, including poorly funded schools, stagnant economic development, corrupt political systems, poverty, and drug abuse. Its citizens, in turn, have often been the target of unkind characterizations depicting them as illiterate or backward. Despite entrenched social and economic disadvantages, the region is also known for its strong sense of culture, language, and community.

Appalachia Revisited: New Perspectives on Place, Tradition, and Progress
Known for its beauty and valuable natural resources, Appalachia has undergone significant technological, economic, political, and environmental changes in recent decades.

Attuned Advocacy: Rhetorics of Engagement in Urban Appalachia
Findings trace an increase in inclusivity and diversity in Appalachian advocacy from the 1960s to the 2010s; the empowering relationship between an organization’s public rhetorics and its individual community members’ attitudes toward their cultural identities; and the role arts movements play in building community and challenging cultural stereotypes.

Workaholics Anonymous and Combatting Workaholism
Featured in Value Walk: Dr. Nelson says that improvements to culture are just as important as access to mental health services.

Innovating an End to Veteran Homelessness
Veterans, both male and female, have historically been overrepresented in the U.S. homeless population. This book provides insight into the initial deployment of a Lean Management System across VA, the nation’s largest healthcare system.

Untold Content Featured in Cincy Chic
Untold’s content strategy sessions with BidView led us to the idea that government procurement often feels like a dense wilderness to small business owners–especially those hoping to get started for the first time.

Katie Trauth Taylor: A Story of Untold Power
Former college professor and current CEO of Untold Content, Katie Taylor, joined us for an interview in the sun-soaked back patio of Iris Book Café. Sitting amongst overgrown ivy and midday coffee drinkers, Katie spoke about empowerment through storytelling, balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship, and knowledge sharing as an act of love.

ArtWorks “Big Pitch” finalists: CGCERAMICS and Untold Content LLC
Untold Content is one of seven finalists in the fourth annual ArtWorks “Big Pitch” presented by U.S. Bank, where they will compete for a $15,000 Judge’s Choice Award and a $5,000 Audience Choice Award during a live five-minute pitch on Sept. 28 at Memorial Hall.

Top Tips from Professionals for Your Most Productive Year Ever
I see productivity as a measure of strategic vision. The more clearly my team sees our goals and long-term strategy, the more productive we can be.

Best College Drop-Out Story: Untold Content
In the name of public intellectualism, Trauth Taylor launched Untold Content, a writing consultancy firm that offers expert research and technical and marketing content writing services to innovators across all fields.

VA Experience in Implementing Patient-Centered Medical Home Using a Breakthrough Series Collaborative
Published in Journal of General Internal Medicine: A Patient-Centered Medical Home Model was implemented to transform the VHA primary care delivery process.

A Predictive Model of Occupational and Lifestyle Risk Factors and Pain Management Strategies for Participants in a Wellness Program Diagnosed with Chronic Low Back Pain
Featured in Journal of Ergonomics: The objective of this paper is to understand occupational and lifestyle risk factors associated with Chronic Low Back Pain with a focus on prevention of related incidences in the workplace.

Deploying an Enterprise-Wide Quality Strategy within VHA: Challenges and Successes
Featured in Proceedings of the 2015 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference: This paper overviews the initial development and evolution of the VHA enterprise-wide quality strategy.

Prevalence, Predictors, and Treatment of Impostor Syndrome: a Systematic Review
Featured in Journal of General Internal Medicine: Clinicians and employers should be mindful of the prevalence of impostor syndrome among professional populations.

VA’s Lean Healthcare Transformation: Innovating the Veteran Patient Experience
This book provides insight into the initial deployment of a Lean Management System across VA, the nation’s largest healthcare system.

Workaholics Anonymous and Combatting Workaholism
Featured in Value Walk: Dr. Nelson says that improvements to culture are just as important as access to mental health services.

Why Chiropractic Services Could Be the Next Best Thing in Wellness
Featured in Employee Benefit News: The next popular wellness perk could be offering chiropractic services at on-site medical centers.

Catering to the Needs of Workers in Big Tech
Featured in American Phycological Association: Providers at Crossover Health say their integrated approach takes care to a new level.

Untold Content Supports Physical Therapy Thought Leaders in Workplace Wellness Perspective Piece
Featured in Employee Benefit News:
Workplaces and workflows need to be reimagined to reduce and interrupt sedentary time while increasing active movement.

Innovating Low Back Pain Management in the Workplace
Featured in Corporate Wellness Magazine: Integrated care models are better able to address all the aspects of a person’s pain experience and help them avoid unnecessary treatment approaches.

Innovating an End to Veteran Homelessness
Veterans, both male and female, have historically been overrepresented in the U.S. homeless population. This book provides insight into the initial deployment of a Lean Management System across VA, the nation’s largest healthcare system.

Integrated Physical Medicine at Employer-Sponsored Health Clinics Improves Quality of Care at Reduced Cost
Published in Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine: The benefits of integrating physical medicine services into employer-sponsored clinics.

Apply Integrated Care To Our Opioid Crisis
Published in Managed Care: Integrated care models can foster the kind of collaboration that’s needed to treat complex, multifaceted problems like chronic pain.

Water Soluble Bismuth Based Curatives with Remarkable Activity and Shelf Life
Presentation at the 2016 Polyurethanes Technical Conference features The Shepherd Chemical Company’s bismuth catalysts, BiCat 8840 and BiCat 8842.