The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up Your Team Emails

Regardless of whether all of your employees work in-office or some are remote, most of us use small team collaboration to get incredible things done in our organizations by using collaborative software for remote workers and in-office staff. No matter what role you play on small teams-whether project leader, developer, designer, writer, or researcher-communication is […]

Naming Affrilachia

Naming Affrilachia

This article explores the powerful and essential ways that cultural identities are created through language. How can a new word create community?

Elevator Pitch Template

Elevator pitches are short introductory speeches you can say when meeting a new client lead or colleague. Their purpose is to deliver in one, short, impactful paragraph the key things that make you who you are and that drive what you do. We hope this elevator pitch template helps you share your expertise with the […]